2015 m. spalio 17 d., šeštadienis

Ofra Haza - You

Late in life
You came to me
And you put a sign
On me
Late in life
What remained of you
When you fell into
A trap of lies

You (ooh) You (ooh)
You (ooh)
Only you (ooh) You (ooh)
You (ooh)
All your love
That I love
All your love

Like a man
Who plays the game
As a healing
For his pain
You played your game
Again and again
Crazy, insane
Deep in love

You (ooh) You (ooh)
You (ooh)
Only you (ooh) You (ooh)
You (ooh)
All your love
That I love
All your love

You (ooh) You (ooh)
Only you (ooh)
Only you (ooh) You (ooh)
Only you (ooh) Only you (ooh)
Only you (ooh) Only you
All your love
That I love
All your love


Fallen Angel By Gabrielle

Sky is white.
Trees are bare.
Been a while since you stood here.
You feel cold, so alone.
Yet the wind whispers 'hello' when it blows, when it blows.

Fallen angel with shattered dreams,
Trying to make some sense of all you've seen.
Let it go. Let it go. Troubled soul.
Let it go. Let it go.

Wounded spirit. Troubled soul.
Fallen angel. Let it all go.
Just believe and you will see all the good things your life can be.

And as dusk turns to dawn still you're battling your thoughts.
You feel lost, so alone.
And you wonder can you carry on.

How amazing your life would be if you held on, long enough to see.
Let it go. Let it go. Troubled soul.
Let it go. Let it go.

Wounded spirit. Troubled soul.
Fallen angel. Let it all go.
Just believe and you will see all the good things your life can be.

Fallen angel, you've made mistakes.
You can't keep living your life this way.

Let it go. Let it go. Troubled soul.
Let it go. Let it go.

Wounded spirit. Troubled soul.
Fallen angel. Let it all go.
Just believe and you will see all the good things your life can be.

Wounded spirit. Troubled soul.
Fallen angel. Let it all go.
Just believe and you will see all the good things your life can be.

Let it go. Let it go. Troubled soul.
Let it go. Troubled soul.
Let it go. Let it go. Troubled soul.
Let it go. Let it go.

2015 m. liepos 24 d., penktadienis

Anna and The King: How Can I Not Love You? - Joy Enriquez

Cannot touch, cannot hold, cannot be together ...
cannot love, cannot kiss, cannot have each other ...
Must be strong and we must let go -
Cannot say what our hearts must know ...

How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?

Cannot dream, cannot share sweet and tender moments ...
Cannot feel how we feel, must pretend it's over ...
Must be brave and we must go on,
Must not say what we've known all along.

How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?

How can I not love you?

Must be brave and we must be strong.
Cannot say what we've known all along.

How can I not love you?
What do I tell my heart?
When do I not want you here in my arms?
How does one waltz away from all of the memories?
How do I not miss you when you are gone?

How can I not love you .... when you are gone?

2015 m. birželio 19 d., penktadienis

Pasaka apie meilę

Gal lengviausia gyvenimą išsiaiškinti/paaiškinti pasakomis. Nes daugiausia tenka bendrauti su vaikais bei paaugliais. Norom nenorom ieškausi, kaip apie svarbius dalykus paaiškint jiems suvokiama forma.
Kai pradedame kalbėtis apie meilę, kartais seku rytietišką pasaką apie karalaitę, kurią pamilo princas. Kai princas jai pasiūlė tuoktis, toji atsakė: „Gerai. Kadangi turiu labai daug žemės, aš tau
pastatysiu pilį labai toli, kad tu irgi turėtum daug erdvės… Tarp mūsų bus milžiniškas miškas, į kurį tu galėsi įžengt iš vienos pusės, o aš – iš kitos. Jeigu kartais susitiksime, pasimatysime tame miške, tai ir bus mūsų meilės įprasminimas“.
Princas atsisakė, kadangi norėjo karalaitę turėti – t.y. matyti ją kasdien. Jam atrodė, jog neįmanoma mylėti ir nematyti, negalėti būti kartu.
Tačiau kai žmonės susitinka ir vienas kitą pradeda labai turėti, kitąsyk nebelieka meilės erdvės. O toje erdvėje – visa esmė ir žaismė. Paslaptis tuštumoje. Kuo erdvės daugiau, tuo labiau vienas kitu galima grožėtis.

Vytautas V. Lansbergis

2015 m. gegužės 12 d., antradienis

Madonna "I'll Remember"

Mmmm, mmmm
Say good-bye to not knowing when
The truth in my whole life began
Say good-bye to not knowing how to cry
You taught me that
And I'll remember the strength that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you saved me
I'll remember
Inside I was a child
That could not mend a broken wing
Outside I looked for a way
To teach my heart to sing
And I'll remember the love that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you changed me
I'll remember
I learned
to let go
of the illusion that we can possess
I learned
to let go
I travel in stillness
And I'll remember
I'll remember [I'll remember]
Mmmmm... [I'll remember]
And I'll remember the love that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you changed me
I'll remember
No I've never been afraid to cry
AND I finally have a reason why
I'll remember [I'll remember]
No I've never been afraid to cry
And I finally have a reason why
I'll remember [I'll remember]
No I've never been afraid to cry
And I finally have a reason why
I'll remember [I'll remember]
